Sunday, March 8, 2020


Image result for musicIf you like music, you probably already know it can affect your mood. Maybe you put on your favorite song to pump yourself up for an important meeting or listen to soothing music when you’re relaxing at home before bed.  Music therapy is a technique of complementary medicine that uses music prescribed in a skilled manner by trained therapists. Programs are designed to help patients overcome physical, emotional, intellectual, and social challenges. Music therapy is beneficial for people of all ages and mental health, developmental, behavioral or learning needs. Music has universal healing benefits and is open to patients with varying levels of musical interest. 

The song shows this meaning “I’ll be by your side as long as you by me”. no matter where you are or how far you are “stand by me “support someone, protect them and also gives them strength. The fundamental message behind ‘Stand by Me’ carries the essence of humanity as every human feel’s love, needs support, requires strength, is capable of courage and we all look for people we can trust who will stay loyal to us. 
 Image result for people coming together
 Love & Support
Whenever you’re in trouble
Won’t you stand by me?
Oh, stand by me
Oh, stand now
Stand by me
Whenever a child embraces you, hugging you tight, placing her head over your shoulder. When something like this happens, the most underlying instincts of manhood upsurges from within you and  you’re aware of your surroundings. 


This song was very interesting the reason why is because different people around the world was singing the same song. it also had different culture involved in the video and also different instruments that they used in their country. 

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